jQuery lightgallery
A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery.
Core Features
lightGallery uses CSS-only approach for resizing images and videos. So it will be extremely flexible, and considerably faster than using the JavaScript approach.
Lightgallery comes with a few built in modules, such as thumbnails, full screen, zoom, etc. It is easy to create your own modules, as well as detach modules that you don't want to use.
Touch and Drag
Lightgallery supports touch and swipe navigation on touchscreen devices, as well as mouse drag for desktops. This allows users to navigate between slides by either swipe or mouse drag.
Super customizable
Lightgallery comes with a numerous number of options, which allow you to customize the plugin very easily. You can easily customize the look and feel of the gallery by updating SASS variables.
Animated thumbnails
You also have the option to enable animated thumbnails from the settings. otherwise normal thumbnail will be used. You can also make thumbnails automatically load for your YouTube or vimeo videos.
Youtube vimeo support
LightGallery video module allow you to create beautiful youtube/vimeo video galleries. It has lots of features such as automatic play/pause videos, thumbnails, posters and more.
20+ Animations
LightGallery uses Hardware-Accelerated CSS3 transitions for faster animation performance. This plugin comes with numerous number of beautiful inbuilt animations.
Dynamic mode
Lightgallery can be instantaneously launched by programmatically enabling the dynamic option and populating by passing array of objects representing the gallery elements.
Zoom & Fullscreen
You can double-click on the image to see its actual size. Zoom-in and zoom-out controls can be used for changing the zoom values of the image. Lightgallery supports native html full screen mode as well.
HTML5 videos
lightGallery supports all types of HTML5 video formats formats, such as MP4, WebM, Ogg, etc. There is smart integration with custom html5 player videojs
Social sharing
lightGallery share plugin allows you to share your images/videos to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google plus with unique url.
Smart preloading
By default lightGallery loads only 3 slides at a time to improve performance. Remaining slides are loaded as you navigate to it. It is customizable in settings.
Responsive images
lightGallery lets you to load different images for different viewports. It also supports the html5 srcset attribute for displaying high-resolution images.
Browser History
lightGallery hash plugin lets you to provide unique url for each gallery images. lightGallery will record slide history and allows you to travel to previous slides via browser back/forward buttons.